- Circle
- Classic Munsch
- Cree Literacy
- Cree Programs
- Cree Way Project
- Curriculum/Bilingual Department, Alaska
- Elder's Workshop
- Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Iqaluit
- Literature Publishing, Nortext
- Manitoba Native Education and Training
- Mushkegowuk Education Council
- Nemaska Writer's workshop
- Other
- Plain Regular
- Robert Munsch Series
- Animals
- Artifacts
- Berries
- Body Parts
- Boy
- Celebrations
- Christmas
- Clothing
- Colours
- Cree values
- Duties
- Fall
- Family
- First Snowshoe Walk
- Fishing
- Fishnet
- Food
- Girl
- Hunting
- Inter-racial
- Justice
- Land
- Legends
- Man
- Medicines
- Monsters
- Months
- Moosehide
- Names
- Numbers
- Past
- Places
- Plants
- Politics
- Predictions
- Scarcity
- Seasons
- Sewing
- Shapes
- Shelters
- Short Stories
- Songs
- Spring
- Starvation
- Summer
- Supernatural
- Syllabics
- Technology
- Teepee
- Tradition
- Traditional Tools
- Transportation
- Trees
- Weather
- Wedding
- Winter
- Woman
- Adrian Cheezo
- Agnes Shem
- Albert Tomatuk
- Alice N. Fitka
- Angela Tapiatic
- Anna Blacksmith
- Annie Loon Cheechoo
- Annie Neeposh Ottereyes
- Annie Ningeok, Enosiq Ejetsiak and Michael Ipeelee
- Annie Ningeok, Enosiq Ejetsiak, Michael Ipeelee
- Annie Whiskeychan
- Annie Whiskeychan, Frances Mark, Frances Visitor
- Barbara Blackned, Florrie Katapatuk
- Beatrice Gilpin Mayappo
- Beatrice Gilpin Mayappo
- Bessie Blackned
- Brenda Atsynia
- Charles Cheezo
- Charles Cheezo, Bessie Blackned
- Charlie Bosum
- Charlotte Pepabano
- Chrissie Samuelson
- Coom Matoush
- Cree Culture and Language Teachers
- Cree Language and Cree Culture teachers
- Cree Literacy Students
- Cree Programs
- Cree Programs from the Cree Way original version
- Cree Programs of the Cree School Board
- Cree Programs staff
- Cree Programs Staff
- Cree Way
- Daisy Moar
- Daniel Moses
- David Sandy, Margaret Bearskin
- Dorothy Polson
- Edith Matoush
- Eleanor Mcleod and Jane Moore
- Eleanor McLeod, Jane Moore
- Eliza Webb
- Elizabeth (Blackned) Jolly
- Elizabeth Atseriak, Julia Hill, Grace Oldfriend
- Elizabeth Atseriak, Julia Hill, Grace Oldfriend
- Ella Neeposh
- Elsie Duff
- Elsie Jimmie
- Emily Cooper
- Emily Hughboy
- Emily Sam
- Emma Shecapio
- Eva Moar
- Evelyn Ratt-Pachano
- Florrie Mark-Stewart
- Florrie Weapenicappo Mayappo
- Frances George
- From Different Sources
- George Fireman
- Gerti & John Murdoch
- Gerti & John Murdoch
- Hannah (Jacob) Moses
- Harriet (Etapp) Coon-Come
- Harry Duff
- James Jonah
- Jane Snowboy Gilpin
- Janie Pepabano
- Jimmy Iserhoff
- Joanne Pashagumeskum-Pepabano
- Job Kawapit
- Johhny Shecapio
- John Blackned
- John Murdoch
- Johnny Shecapio
- Josephine Blackned
- Josephine Mayappo Gilpin
- Josephine Mianscum Coon
- Josephine Mianscum-Coon
- Karen Mistacheesick
- Kathleen Kitty & Jacqueline Lameboy
- Kathy Okpak
- Kathy Okpic
- Lily Gull Sutherland
- Lily Gull-Sutherland
- Linda Georgeskish-Pashagumeskum
- Linda Moar
- Linda Visitor
- Louise Cheechoo
- Louise Hoover, Carrie Hoover, Caroline Hoover
- Luci Salt
- Luci Salt, Elsie Duff
- Lucy George
- Luke MacLeod
- Luke MacLeod
- Maggie Sheshamush-George
- Malaya Audlakiak
- Manitoba Native Education and Training
- Margaret Beaver
- Margaret Cheezo
- Margaret Mistacheesick
- Marianne Pashagumeskum
- Marianne Pashagumskum
- Marie Wassillie, Christina Kern, Margaret Beaver
- Mark Blackned
- Martha Dixon Mayappo
- Martha Dixon Mayappo
- Mary B. Georgekish
- Mary Sandy
- Mary Swallow
- Matthew Ratt
- Minnie Moar
- Minnie Shutt Parkes
- Nancy Hughboy-Danyluk
- Nellie Cox
- Nellie Pachanos
- Pamela MacLeod
- Participants of the First Language Children's Literature Publishing Workshop
- Participants of the First Language Children’s Literature Publishing Workshop
- Pearl Weistche
- Philip Goodwin
- Rebecca Kawapit
- Ricky Jolly
- Rita (Jonah) McLeod, Janie (Jacob) Diamond, Daisy (Blueboy) Moar
- Robert Munsch
- Rose Dixon Gilpin
- Ruth Salt
- Samuel Bearskin
- Sandy Masty
- Sidney Loon
- Simeon Awashish
- Stella Matthew-Bearskin
- Stephanie Meskino
- Susie Matoush
- Teachers and Students
- The late Annie Whiskeychan
- Thomas Coon
- Waskaganish Students
- Wemindji Cree Literacy Students
- Wemindji Cree Literacy Students 2002
- William Cox
Page 5 of 7, showing 20 records out of 130 total, starting on record 81, ending on 100
The little boy packs lunch to check rabbit snares with his mom and aunt.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-599-1
How to dress to go play outside.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-646-7
Girl getting ready for Christmas.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-615-7
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Luci Salt
- Illustrated By
Willard Moar
- Modified
2017-11-24 10:17:10
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Topics
In the fall, leaves are falling and it`s windy, people go berry picking and set nets, fly kites....
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-668-8
Summer is hot, people are staying outside longer. They go swimming, canoeing, do various activities....
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-670-X
A girl helps her mother and father in various activities at their spring camp.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-894843-00-2
A little girl tells about the time she was bitten by a muskrat on one o her trips with her parents.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-648-3
A girl tells about the time she was placed in a foster home without knowing that she was put there to stay with the family for good.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-55036-650-5
1) Learning to hunt
2) First bear
3) On this day Hydro is still trying to build dams
Age 12+ISBN: 1-55036-652-1
While a family is traveling in winter, a woman gives birth before they can reach their camp.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-55036-654-8
There are a few pages in the book that require answers and this is the book that has those answers.
Age 8+ISBN: 1-55036-676-9
A girl lived with her grandparents upstream on Rupert River.
Age 8+ISBN: 1-55036-680-7
A story of how much love an uncle and aunt have for their niece.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-511-8
How a girl helps with fishing activities during the week.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-513-4
Counting different items when going berrypicking by canoe.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-514-2
A girl's (Sarah) grandfather is ill.
Age 6+ISBN: 2-921218-45-3
John`s grandmother makes sealskin mittens for him.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-508-8
out of stock
People getting ready for a Walking-Out Ceremony to see the children in traditional clothes. The ceremony is followed by a feast.
Age 10+ISBN: 1-55036-609-2
Children walking with snowshoes for the first time.
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-611-4
This is one of the "How to Do Books" that shows you the steps taken to build a winter home with the use of photographs.
Age 10+ISBN: 1-894843-12-6