- Classic Munsch
- Cree Programs
- Cree Way
- Elder's Workshop
- Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Iqaluit
- ᐧᐄ ᐊᒌ ᒥᓯᓇᐦᐋᒃ ᐊᐧᐊᓐ
- ᐧᐋᐧᐃᔦᔮᐤ
- ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓲᒡ ᐊ ᐄᔨᔫᔥᑖᔨᒡ
- ᓈᒥᔅᑳᐦᒡ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐊᓂᑖᐦ ᐋ ᐅᐦᒋᔨᑦ ᐊᐧᐋᓐ
- ᐊᔅᒌ ᐋ ᓈᓂᑐᒋᔅᒑᔨᐦᑎᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐊᔅᒌ ᐋᔨᒧᑖᒡ
- ᐊᔨᒥᐦᐊᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐱᒫᑎᓯᐅᐧᐃᓐ ᐋ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᒑᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐹᒋ ᐅᑖᐦᒡ
- ᒥᒫᐦᑖᐅᔨᐦᑐᐧᐃᓐ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐋ ᒋᔅᑐᐦᒑᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- Cree values
- NC[Justice]
- NC[Technology]
- Teepee
- ᐃᑖᐱᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐃᔅᐧᑳᐤ
- ᐃᔑᓂᐦᑳᓱᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐃᔥᐧᑳᔑᔥ
- ᐆᑖᐦᒡ, ᐧᐋᔥᑭᒡ
- ᐊᑐᔑᔑᒡ
- ᐊᓂᑖ ᐅᔮᔥᑖ
- ᐋ ᐃᑎᔅᑳᓈᓯᑦ ᐊᐧᐋᓐ
- ᐋ ᐱᐹᒧᐧᐃᔨᓱᐧᐋᒑᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐋ ᑎᐧᑳᒋᐦᒡ
- ᐋ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐋ ᒫᒥᔅᑳᑖᔨᐦᑖᑯᐦᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐋ ᓃᐱᐦᒡ
- ᐋ ᓰᑯᐦᒡ
- ᐋᐦ ᐱᐳᐦᒡ
- ᐋᐦ ᑯᐦᑭᑖᓂᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐋᐧᐋᔒᔑᒡ, ᐅᐦᑳᓂᒡ
- ᐋᑎ ᐃᔅᐱᐦᑖᔮᒡ
- ᐋᑎ ᐃᔨᐦᑎᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐹᔨᑯᑖᓅ
- ᑎᐹᔨᐦᒋᒑᓯᐤ ᐋᐱᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐ
- ᑳ ᓂᓈᐦᑳᑎᐦᑭᑖᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᒑᐧᑳᓐ ᐋ ᒋᒋᔥᑭᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᒦᒋᒻ
- ᒨᔥ ᑳ ᐹᒋ ᐃᔨᐦᑎᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᓂᐦᑖᐅᒋᐦᒋᑭᓐ, ᓃᐲᔥᐦ
- ᓂᑐᐦᑯᔨᓐᐦ
- ᓃᑳᓐ ᐧᐄᐦᑎᒫᒑᐅᓐᐦ
- ᓈᐹᐤ
- ᓈᐹᔑᔥ
- Jane Snowboy Gilpin
- John Murdoch
- Kathleen Kitty & Jacqueline Lameboy
- Louise Cheechoo
- Lucy George
- Mary B. Georgekish
- Mary Sandy
- Nellie Cox
- Stephanie Meskino
- Teachers and Students
- Waskaganish Students
- ᐁᐃᑎᕇᔨᓐ ᒌᐦᓲ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᐦᔫᐧᐹᐃ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᑰᐱᕐ
- ᐁᒫ ᔐᐦᑳᐯᐤ
- ᐁᓓᓂᕐ ᒥᒃᓛᐅᑦ, ᒉᐃᓐ ᒧᕐ
- ᐁᓕᓇᕐ ᒪᑲᓚᐅᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᒉᐃᓐ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐁᓛ ᓃᐧᐹᔥ
- ᐁᓪᓰ ᑕᕝ
- ᐁᓪᓰ ᒋᒦ
- ᐁᕕᓕᓐ ᕌᑦ-ᐹᒑᐦᐋᓅ
- ᐃᓕᓯᐱᕪ (ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ) ᐧᒑᓖ
- ᐃᓛᐃᓵ ᐧᐁᑉ
- ᐄᑎᕪ ᒫᑑᔥ
- ᐄᓕᓯᐱᕪ ᐋᑦᓰᕇᔮᒃ, ᒍᓕᔮ ᐦᐃᓪ, ᑭᕃᐃᔅ ᐅᓪᑦᕕᕃᓐᑦ
- ᐄᓕᓯᕕᑦ ᐋᑦᓰᕇᔮᒃ, ᒍᓕᔮ ᐦᐃᓪ, ᑭᕃᐃᔅ ᐅᓪᑦᕕᕃᓐᑦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᑐᐧᐃᓂᔫ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐃᔨᒧᐧᐃᓂᔫ ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᒑᒡᐦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᔨᐦᑐᐧᐃᓐ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᓲᐦᒡ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᓴᓰᐲᐦᒡ
- ᐄᕚ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᐧᐋᐧᐃᒋᐦᐄᐧᐋᒡ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᐅᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᑭᓂᔫᐦ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᐧᐋᒡᐦ
- ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᐧᐋᐧᐄᒋᐦᐄᐧᐁᐧᑖᐤ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᐅᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓂᔫ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᐧᐋᑖᐤ
- ᐊᓂᔮ ᔅᑌᓛ ᒫᕠᔫ-ᐯᕐᔅᑭᓐ
- ᐋᓃ (ᓃᐧᐹᔥ) ᐅᑎᕌᐃᔅ
- ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ, ᕝᕌᓐᓯᔅ ᒫᕐᒃ, ᕝᕌᓐᓯᔅ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- ᐋᓃ ᒌᐦᒎ
- ᐋᓃ ᓂᓂᔫᒃ, ᐊᓅᓯᒃ ᐃᒌᑎᓯᔮᒃ ᑲᔦ ᒫᐃᑲᓪ ᐋᔨᐲᓖ
- ᐋᓃ ᓂᓂᔫᒄ, ᐃᓅᓯᒃ ᐃᒌᑎᓯᔮᒃ, ᒫᐃᑭᓪ ᐋᔨᐲᓖ
- ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ
- ᐋᓕᔅ ᕕᑦᑳ
- ᐋᓪᐱᕐᑦ ᑖᒧᑎᒄ
- ᐦᐋᓈ (ᒉᐃᑭᑉ) ᒨᓯᔅ
- ᐦᐋᕆᔨᑦ ᐄᑖᑉ ᑯᓐ-ᑲᒻ
- ᐦᐋᕇ ᑕᕝ
- ᐧᐃᓕᕐᑦ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐧᐃᓖᔭᒻ ᐧᑳᒃᔅ
- ᐧᑖᒥᔅ ᑰᓐ
- ᐧᑖᕐᕢ ᐧᐹᓪᓯᓐ
- ᐧᒑᓃ ᔐᐦᑳᐯᐤ
- ᐧᒑᓃ ᔑᑳᐱᔫ
- ᐧᒑᓐ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᐧᒑᓯᕕᓐ ᒥᔮᓂᔥᑲᒻ ᑰᓐ
- ᐧᒑᕐᒡ ᕚᔨᕐᒥᓐ
- ᐧᕌᐱᕐᑦ ᒪᓂᐦᒡ
- ᐯᓰ ᐱᓛᑭᓀᑦ
- ᐱᕃᓐᑖ ᐋᒋᓈᔮ
- ᐱᕌᔨᓐ ᐧᐁᑉ, ᐸᑳᓲ ᒧᑳᔥ
- ᐲᑎᕆᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᐲᑎᕆᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᐸᒥᓛ ᒪᑲᓚᐅᑦ
- ᐹᕐᐸᕌ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᕙᐧᓛᕇ ᑳᑕᐯᐃᑕᒃ
- ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᑌᐃᕕᑦ ᓴᓐᑏ, ᒫᕐᑲᕆᑦ ᐯᕐᔅᑲᓐ
- ᑖᓂᔦᓪ ᒨᓱᔅ
- ᑭᕆᓰ ᓵᒥᔪᓪᓯᓐ
- ᑭᕇ ᐧᐁᐃ
- ᑭᕇ ᐧᐁᐃ
- ᑭᕐᑏ ᑭᔦᐦ ᐧᒑᓐ ᒥᕐᐧᑖᒃ
- ᑲᕐᑏ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐧᒑᓐ ᒥᕐᐧᑖᒃ
- ᑳ ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᐧᑖᐤ ᐧᐄᒥᓂᒌᐦᒡ
- ᑳ ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᐧᑖᐤ ᐧᐄᒥᓂᒌᐦᒡ 2002
- ᑳᑎ ᐅᒃᐱᒃ
- ᑳᕢ ᐅᒃᐱᒃ
- ᒉᐃᒥᔅ ᒎᓈ
- ᒋᒦ ᐊᐃᓯᐧᕌᕝ
- ᒍᐊᓐ ᐸᔕᑭᒥᔥᑰᒻ-ᐱᐸᐱᓄ
- ᒍᓯᕖᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ
- ᒎᓯᕕᓐ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒑᕐᓕᔅ ᒌᐦᓲ
- ᒑᕐᓕᔅ ᒌᐦᓲ, ᐯᓰ ᐱᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒑᕐᓖ ᐧᐹᐅᓯᒻ
- ᒣᕆᔮᓐ ᐹᔖᑭᒥᔥᑭᒻ
- ᒣᕇ ᓃᐧᐹᔥ ᓱᐧᐋᓘ
- ᒣᕇᐊᓐ ᐹᔖᑲᒥᔥᑲᒻ
- ᒥᓃ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᒥᓃ ᔖᑦ ᐱᐦᐋᕐᒃᔅ
- ᒪᓚᐃᔭ ᐊᐅᑦᓚᕐᑭᐊᕐᒃ
- ᒪᕇ ᐧᐋᓯᓖ, ᑭᕆᔅᑏᓈ ᑭᕐᓐ, ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᐲᕕᕐ
- ᒫᓂᑐᐹ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ
- ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᐲᕕᕐ
- ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᒥᔥᑖᒌᔑᒄ
- ᒫᕐᒃ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒫᕐᕧ ᑎᒃᓯᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᒫᕐᕧ ᑎᒃᓯᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᒫᕠᔫ ᕌᑦ
- ᓀᓖ ᐹᒐᐦᐋᓅ
- ᓂᔮ ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- ᓕᓐᑕ ᒍᕐᒋᔥᑮᔥ-ᐹᔕᑭᒥᔥᑰᒻ
- ᓕᓐᑖ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- ᓕᓖ ᑲᓪ ᓴᑎᕐᓕᓐ
- ᓘᐄᔅ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ, ᑲᕇ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ, ᑫᕈᓛᐃᓐ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ
- ᓘᒃ ᒪᑲᓛᐅᑦ
- ᓯᑎᓃ ᓘᓐ
- ᓯᒦᔭᓐ ᐊᐧᐋᔑᔥ
- ᓲᓰ ᒪᑑᔥ
- ᓵᒥᔪᓪ ᐯᕐᔅᑲᓐ
- ᓵᓐᑏ ᒫᔅᑏ
- ᔖᕐᓕᑦ ᐲᐹᐱᓅ
- ᕆᑮ ᐧᒑᓖ
- ᕇᐦᑖ (ᒎᓈ) ᒪᑲᓛᐅᑦ, ᒉᐃᓃ (ᒉᐃᑲᑉ) ᑖᐃᒥᓐ, ᑌᐃᓰ (ᐸᓘᐧᐹᐃ) ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᕈᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- ᕕᐧᓛᕇ ᐧᐄᔮᐱᓂᑳᐴ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᕕᓕᑉ ᑰᑦᐧᐃᓐ
- ᕝᐧᓛᕇ ᒫᕐᒃ-ᔅᑐᐧᐊᕐᑦ
Page 2 of 3, showing 20 records out of 45 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40

This is a set of flashcards of different animals.
Age 4+ISBN: animalflashcards
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Anna Blacksmith, Louise Cheechoo
- Photo Credits
Public Domain
- Created
2020-09-02 14:42:01
- Modified
2022-02-22 13:04:35
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Topics

This book is about a private owner of a bus
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-77376-16-2
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Illustrated By
Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 09:57:04
- Modified
2021-11-10 14:22:22
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics

These are re-usable laminated tracing cards for young children.
Age 4+ISBN:
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Nellie Cox
- Illustrated By
Louise Cheechoo
- Created
2021-10-12 15:07:13
- Modified
2021-11-05 11:15:30
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings

This book is about two young children went for a walk with their grandmother and they were describing the shapes and colours of objects they saw.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-77376-011-7
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Nellie Cox, Linda Visitor
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor
- Created
2021-09-29 13:31:09
- Modified
2021-11-03 16:28:16
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings
- Themes
- Topics

This book is about body parts
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-927937-97-6
- Year Published
- Edition
- Illustrated By
Linda Visitor
- Photo Credits
Public Domain
- Created
2021-09-29 13:41:10
- Modified
2021-11-03 16:19:01
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings
- Topics

This is a book of a chant on colors of animate objects.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-77376-015-5
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Photo Credits
Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-07 11:18:45
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:50:42
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics

This book shows the pictures and names of animate and inanimate objects.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-77376-013-1
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Illustrated By
Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 14:46:05
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:00:11
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources

These are re-usable laminated tracing cards for young children.
Age 4+ISBN: Shape Tracing Flashcards
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Louise Cheechoo, Anna Blacksmith
- Photo Credits
Louise Cheechoo
- Created
2021-05-27 11:32:23
- Modified
2021-10-12 15:08:27
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type

This book is about Ronnie and his daily routine driving a bus.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-77376-008-7
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor
- Illustrated By
Public Domain Site
- Created
2020-03-31 15:16:53
- Modified
2021-10-04 13:53:10
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Topics

Age 4+
ISBN: 978-1-77376-030-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Anna Blacksmith, Louise Cheechoo
- Photo Credits
Public Domain
- Created
2021-05-26 15:30:10
- Modified
2021-09-27 13:59:37
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources

Age 4+
ISBN: 978-1-77376-012-4

These are small vinyl magnetic 5 cm x 5 cm squares to use on magnetic boards. Each square shows a different symbol.
Age 4+ISBN: 1-magnets-01
- Year Published
- Edition
- Created
2020-09-25 11:17:04
- Modified
2020-11-11 15:48:17
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type

ᐋ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᐅᐦᐄ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓂᔥ ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᓱᐧᐃᒡ ᐋ ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔥᑖᔨᒡ ᐊᓂᑖᐦ ᐄᔅᒣᐃᓐ᙮ ᓂᔮᔨᓐᐦ ᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓂᔥᐦ, ᒋᔖᔮᒄ, ᐊᒥᔅᒄ, ᓂᒋᒄ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐱᔑᐤ᙮ ᐋᐅᒄ ᒫᒃ ᐆ ᐹᔨᒄ ᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓂᔥ ᒋᔖᔮᒄ ᑭᔮᐦ ᓂᒋᒄ ᒌ ᒥᔪ ᐧᐄᒑᐅᑐᐧᐃᒡ ᑳ ᓂᑐ ᐅᒋᐧᑳᒑᒡᐦ᙮ ᓂᒋᒄ ᑳ ᒌᐧᐋᑦ ᐧᐃᔨᐱᒡ, ᐊᓐ ᒋᔖᔮᒄ ᑳ ᐃᔨᒋᑯᑎᓂᔨᒡ ᐅᓱᐃ ᐊᓂᑖᐦ ᒥᔅᑯᒦᐦᒡ᙮
Age 4+ISBN: 1-55036-623-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ, ᓘᓰ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- Illustrated By
ᒣᓪᕕᓐ ᐧᒫᕐ
- Modified
2020-11-11 15:39:19
- Dialect
- Type
- Themes
- Topics

Age 4+
ISBN: 978-1-77376-003-2
out of stock

A fictional story that came out of a Literacy course in Eastmain. There are five books in this series on the bear, beaver,otter, lynx and skunk. A bear and otter were good friends and they went fishing. The otter went home early and the bear caught its tail on the ice.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-927937-60-0
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Emily Cooper, Anna Blacksmith, Patricia Diamond
- Illustrated By
Melvin Moar
- Created
2017-11-08 14:45:17
- Modified
2020-09-25 11:34:18
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Topics

This is a book about number up 1 to 10 with the number, word and picture.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-897039-00-7
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ, ᐱᕐᓪ ᐧᐄᔅᒌ, ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ, ᐁᒥᓖ ᑯᐦᐸᕐ
- Illustrated By
ᐋᓪᐱᕐᑦ ᑖᒧᑎᒄ
- Modified
2020-09-23 15:36:47
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes

This book consists of different dialogues from simple to longer pieces.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-927039-02-1
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Ruth Salt, Anna Blacksmith, Emily Cooper
- Illustrated By
teachers and students
- Modified
2020-09-23 14:18:25
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources

This book is about the body parts
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-927937-97-6
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Anna Blacksmith, Patricia Diamond, Louise Cheechoo
- Illustrated By
Public Domain Site
- Created
2019-04-08 13:23:59
- Modified
2020-09-23 09:57:09
- Dialect
- Also Available In
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- Sources

ᑳ ᐊᐱᔕᔑᒡᐦ ᑳᐅᑎᐦᒋᒑᐱᔨᔑᒡᐦ ᑳ ᒋᑭᒧᐦᑖᑭᓂᐧᐃᒡᐦ ᐋᐦ ᐱᐧᔮᐱᔅᑯᐧᐃᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓂᐦᒡ᙮ ᒥᓯᐧᐋ ᒫᒃ ᐹᐦᐹᔨᒄ ᒥᓯᓈᑖᐤᐦ᙮
Age 4+ISBN: 1-magnets-01
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᕕᕌᓐᓰᓐ ᔅᓄᐧᐹᐃ
- Photo Credits
ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- Modified
2017-11-16 15:05:05
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type

Number book is about numbers 1 - 10 with the pictures inserted on quantity representing each number.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-897296-73-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Lucie Salt, Alice Duff
- Illustrated By
Albert Tomatuk
- Modified
2017-11-14 16:39:45
- Dialect
- Type
- Sources