- Classic Munsch
- Cree Programs
- Cree Way
- Elder's Workshop
- Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Iqaluit
- ᐧᐄ ᐊᒌ ᒥᓯᓇᐦᐋᒃ ᐊᐧᐊᓐ
- ᐧᐋᐧᐃᔦᔮᐤ
- ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓲᒡ ᐊ ᐄᔨᔫᔥᑖᔨᒡ
- ᓈᒥᔅᑳᐦᒡ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐊᓂᑖᐦ ᐋ ᐅᐦᒋᔨᑦ ᐊᐧᐋᓐ
- ᐊᔅᒌ ᐋ ᓈᓂᑐᒋᔅᒑᔨᐦᑎᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐊᔅᒌ ᐋᔨᒧᑖᒡ
- ᐊᔨᒥᐦᐊᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐱᒫᑎᓯᐅᐧᐃᓐ ᐋ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᒑᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐹᒋ ᐅᑖᐦᒡ
- ᒥᒫᐦᑖᐅᔨᐦᑐᐧᐃᓐ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐋ ᒋᔅᑐᐦᒑᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- Cree values
- NC[Justice]
- NC[Technology]
- Teepee
- ᐃᑖᐱᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐃᔅᐧᑳᐤ
- ᐃᔑᓂᐦᑳᓱᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐃᔥᐧᑳᔑᔥ
- ᐆᑖᐦᒡ, ᐧᐋᔥᑭᒡ
- ᐊᑐᔑᔑᒡ
- ᐊᓂᑖ ᐅᔮᔥᑖ
- ᐋ ᐃᑎᔅᑳᓈᓯᑦ ᐊᐧᐋᓐ
- ᐋ ᐱᐹᒧᐧᐃᔨᓱᐧᐋᒑᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐋ ᑎᐧᑳᒋᐦᒡ
- ᐋ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐋ ᒫᒥᔅᑳᑖᔨᐦᑖᑯᐦᒡ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐋ ᓃᐱᐦᒡ
- ᐋ ᓰᑯᐦᒡ
- ᐋᐦ ᐱᐳᐦᒡ
- ᐋᐦ ᑯᐦᑭᑖᓂᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐋᐧᐋᔒᔑᒡ, ᐅᐦᑳᓂᒡ
- ᐋᑎ ᐃᔅᐱᐦᑖᔮᒡ
- ᐋᑎ ᐃᔨᐦᑎᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐹᔨᑯᑖᓅ
- ᑎᐹᔨᐦᒋᒑᓯᐤ ᐋᐱᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐ
- ᑳ ᓂᓈᐦᑳᑎᐦᑭᑖᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᒑᐧᑳᓐ ᐋ ᒋᒋᔥᑭᑭᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᒦᒋᒻ
- ᒨᔥ ᑳ ᐹᒋ ᐃᔨᐦᑎᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᓂᐦᑖᐅᒋᐦᒋᑭᓐ, ᓃᐲᔥᐦ
- ᓂᑐᐦᑯᔨᓐᐦ
- ᓃᑳᓐ ᐧᐄᐦᑎᒫᒑᐅᓐᐦ
- ᓈᐹᐤ
- ᓈᐹᔑᔥ
- Jane Snowboy Gilpin
- John Murdoch
- Kathleen Kitty & Jacqueline Lameboy
- Louise Cheechoo
- Lucy George
- Mary B. Georgekish
- Mary Sandy
- Nellie Cox
- Stephanie Meskino
- Teachers and Students
- Waskaganish Students
- ᐁᐃᑎᕇᔨᓐ ᒌᐦᓲ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᐦᔫᐧᐹᐃ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᑰᐱᕐ
- ᐁᒫ ᔐᐦᑳᐯᐤ
- ᐁᓓᓂᕐ ᒥᒃᓛᐅᑦ, ᒉᐃᓐ ᒧᕐ
- ᐁᓕᓇᕐ ᒪᑲᓚᐅᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᒉᐃᓐ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐁᓛ ᓃᐧᐹᔥ
- ᐁᓪᓰ ᑕᕝ
- ᐁᓪᓰ ᒋᒦ
- ᐁᕕᓕᓐ ᕌᑦ-ᐹᒑᐦᐋᓅ
- ᐃᓕᓯᐱᕪ (ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ) ᐧᒑᓖ
- ᐃᓛᐃᓵ ᐧᐁᑉ
- ᐄᑎᕪ ᒫᑑᔥ
- ᐄᓕᓯᐱᕪ ᐋᑦᓰᕇᔮᒃ, ᒍᓕᔮ ᐦᐃᓪ, ᑭᕃᐃᔅ ᐅᓪᑦᕕᕃᓐᑦ
- ᐄᓕᓯᕕᑦ ᐋᑦᓰᕇᔮᒃ, ᒍᓕᔮ ᐦᐃᓪ, ᑭᕃᐃᔅ ᐅᓪᑦᕕᕃᓐᑦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᑐᐧᐃᓂᔫ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐃᔨᒧᐧᐃᓂᔫ ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᒑᒡᐦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᔨᐦᑐᐧᐃᓐ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᓲᐦᒡ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᓴᓰᐲᐦᒡ
- ᐄᕚ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᐧᐋᐧᐃᒋᐦᐄᐧᐋᒡ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᐅᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᑭᓂᔫᐦ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᐧᐋᒡᐦ
- ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᐧᐋᐧᐄᒋᐦᐄᐧᐁᐧᑖᐤ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᐅᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓂᔫ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᐧᐋᑖᐤ
- ᐊᓂᔮ ᔅᑌᓛ ᒫᕠᔫ-ᐯᕐᔅᑭᓐ
- ᐋᓃ (ᓃᐧᐹᔥ) ᐅᑎᕌᐃᔅ
- ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ, ᕝᕌᓐᓯᔅ ᒫᕐᒃ, ᕝᕌᓐᓯᔅ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- ᐋᓃ ᒌᐦᒎ
- ᐋᓃ ᓂᓂᔫᒃ, ᐊᓅᓯᒃ ᐃᒌᑎᓯᔮᒃ ᑲᔦ ᒫᐃᑲᓪ ᐋᔨᐲᓖ
- ᐋᓃ ᓂᓂᔫᒄ, ᐃᓅᓯᒃ ᐃᒌᑎᓯᔮᒃ, ᒫᐃᑭᓪ ᐋᔨᐲᓖ
- ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ
- ᐋᓕᔅ ᕕᑦᑳ
- ᐋᓪᐱᕐᑦ ᑖᒧᑎᒄ
- ᐦᐋᓈ (ᒉᐃᑭᑉ) ᒨᓯᔅ
- ᐦᐋᕆᔨᑦ ᐄᑖᑉ ᑯᓐ-ᑲᒻ
- ᐦᐋᕇ ᑕᕝ
- ᐧᐃᓕᕐᑦ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐧᐃᓖᔭᒻ ᐧᑳᒃᔅ
- ᐧᑖᒥᔅ ᑰᓐ
- ᐧᑖᕐᕢ ᐧᐹᓪᓯᓐ
- ᐧᒑᓃ ᔐᐦᑳᐯᐤ
- ᐧᒑᓃ ᔑᑳᐱᔫ
- ᐧᒑᓐ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᐧᒑᓯᕕᓐ ᒥᔮᓂᔥᑲᒻ ᑰᓐ
- ᐧᒑᕐᒡ ᕚᔨᕐᒥᓐ
- ᐧᕌᐱᕐᑦ ᒪᓂᐦᒡ
- ᐯᓰ ᐱᓛᑭᓀᑦ
- ᐱᕃᓐᑖ ᐋᒋᓈᔮ
- ᐱᕌᔨᓐ ᐧᐁᑉ, ᐸᑳᓲ ᒧᑳᔥ
- ᐲᑎᕆᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᐲᑎᕆᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᐸᒥᓛ ᒪᑲᓚᐅᑦ
- ᐹᕐᐸᕌ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᕙᐧᓛᕇ ᑳᑕᐯᐃᑕᒃ
- ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᑌᐃᕕᑦ ᓴᓐᑏ, ᒫᕐᑲᕆᑦ ᐯᕐᔅᑲᓐ
- ᑖᓂᔦᓪ ᒨᓱᔅ
- ᑭᕆᓰ ᓵᒥᔪᓪᓯᓐ
- ᑭᕇ ᐧᐁᐃ
- ᑭᕇ ᐧᐁᐃ
- ᑭᕐᑏ ᑭᔦᐦ ᐧᒑᓐ ᒥᕐᐧᑖᒃ
- ᑲᕐᑏ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐧᒑᓐ ᒥᕐᐧᑖᒃ
- ᑳ ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᐧᑖᐤ ᐧᐄᒥᓂᒌᐦᒡ
- ᑳ ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᐧᑖᐤ ᐧᐄᒥᓂᒌᐦᒡ 2002
- ᑳᑎ ᐅᒃᐱᒃ
- ᑳᕢ ᐅᒃᐱᒃ
- ᒉᐃᒥᔅ ᒎᓈ
- ᒋᒦ ᐊᐃᓯᐧᕌᕝ
- ᒍᐊᓐ ᐸᔕᑭᒥᔥᑰᒻ-ᐱᐸᐱᓄ
- ᒍᓯᕖᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ
- ᒎᓯᕕᓐ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒑᕐᓕᔅ ᒌᐦᓲ
- ᒑᕐᓕᔅ ᒌᐦᓲ, ᐯᓰ ᐱᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒑᕐᓖ ᐧᐹᐅᓯᒻ
- ᒣᕆᔮᓐ ᐹᔖᑭᒥᔥᑭᒻ
- ᒣᕇ ᓃᐧᐹᔥ ᓱᐧᐋᓘ
- ᒣᕇᐊᓐ ᐹᔖᑲᒥᔥᑲᒻ
- ᒥᓃ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᒥᓃ ᔖᑦ ᐱᐦᐋᕐᒃᔅ
- ᒪᓚᐃᔭ ᐊᐅᑦᓚᕐᑭᐊᕐᒃ
- ᒪᕇ ᐧᐋᓯᓖ, ᑭᕆᔅᑏᓈ ᑭᕐᓐ, ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᐲᕕᕐ
- ᒫᓂᑐᐹ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ
- ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᐲᕕᕐ
- ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᒥᔥᑖᒌᔑᒄ
- ᒫᕐᒃ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒫᕐᕧ ᑎᒃᓯᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᒫᕐᕧ ᑎᒃᓯᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᒫᕠᔫ ᕌᑦ
- ᓀᓖ ᐹᒐᐦᐋᓅ
- ᓂᔮ ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- ᓕᓐᑕ ᒍᕐᒋᔥᑮᔥ-ᐹᔕᑭᒥᔥᑰᒻ
- ᓕᓐᑖ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- ᓕᓖ ᑲᓪ ᓴᑎᕐᓕᓐ
- ᓘᐄᔅ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ, ᑲᕇ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ, ᑫᕈᓛᐃᓐ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ
- ᓘᒃ ᒪᑲᓛᐅᑦ
- ᓯᑎᓃ ᓘᓐ
- ᓯᒦᔭᓐ ᐊᐧᐋᔑᔥ
- ᓲᓰ ᒪᑑᔥ
- ᓵᒥᔪᓪ ᐯᕐᔅᑲᓐ
- ᓵᓐᑏ ᒫᔅᑏ
- ᔖᕐᓕᑦ ᐲᐹᐱᓅ
- ᕆᑮ ᐧᒑᓖ
- ᕇᐦᑖ (ᒎᓈ) ᒪᑲᓛᐅᑦ, ᒉᐃᓃ (ᒉᐃᑲᑉ) ᑖᐃᒥᓐ, ᑌᐃᓰ (ᐸᓘᐧᐹᐃ) ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᕈᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- ᕕᐧᓛᕇ ᐧᐄᔮᐱᓂᑳᐴ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᕕᓕᑉ ᑰᑦᐧᐃᓐ
- ᕝᐧᓛᕇ ᒫᕐᒃ-ᔅᑐᐧᐊᕐᑦ
Page 4 of 4, showing 14 records out of 74 total, starting on record 61, ending on 74
He talks about how important it is for people to follow the traditional life their parents have taught them so in turn they can pass it on to the future generations. Sandy talks about how he helps with the youth on the land. He also talks about the different types and shapes of snowshoes that people used and what kind of wood is best suitable for these snowshoes.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-11-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Luci Salt, Elsie Duff, Alice Duff & Linda Visitor
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor & Job Masty
- Modified
2017-11-14 14:51:52
- Dialect
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Harry's story is about safety especially in the bay where the weather is very unpredictable at times. He also talks about how important and how smart dogs can be, especially during blizzards. They can still find their way in those conditions. That's how important a dog team was in those days.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-09-6
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Luci Salt, Elsie Duff, Alice Duff & Linda Visitor
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor & Rose Bearskin
- Modified
2017-11-14 14:50:47
- Dialect
- Also Available In
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- Teachings
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This book shows a step by step process of cleaning and scraping the hair and de-fleshing the meat.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-38-X
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Luci Salt, Alice Duff, Linda Visitor and Elsie Duff
- Photo Credits
Anna Blacksmith
- Modified
2017-11-14 13:53:53
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This book consists of different dialogues from simple to longer pieces.
Age 4+ISBN: 978-1-897296-86-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Alice Duff
- Illustrated By
teachers and students
- Created
2015-10-09 11:27:17
- Modified
2017-11-14 13:46:27
- Dialect
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ᐹᔨᑯᑖᓅ ᓂᑑ ᐱᔮᓱᐧᐋᐦᐊᐦᒡ ᒫᐧᑳᒡ ᐋᐦ ᑎᐧᑳᒋᓂᔨᒡ᙮
Age 10+ISBN: 1-55036-207-0
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᓘᓰ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- Illustrated By
ᐧᒫᕐᓖ ᔅᑐᐧᐊᕐᑦ
- Modified
2017-11-13 15:10:07
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A boy named David is getting ready to go to their camp and they travel on snowshoes.
Age 8+ISBN: 1-55036-215-1
ᑳ ᐃᔮᐱᔖᔑᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᒪᓯᓈᐱᔅᑲᐄᐦᑲᓐᐦ ᐊᓐ ᐁᑎ ᐃᔅᐱᐦᑖᔮᒡ᙮ ᐧᐃᔦᔥ 8᙮5x17 ᐃᔮᔥᐱᔖᔔᐦ᙮
Age 4+ISBN: 1-poster-01
- Year Published
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ᓕᓿᑖ ᕕᔅᑎᕐ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ
- Modified
2017-03-13 10:58:28
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There are five stories on this CD as told by Job Kawapit of Whapmagoostui, Qc.
1. History of Whapmagoostui
2. The Whale Feast
3. Maahtishinikush
4. The Mother`s Warning
5. Naahtaaushkim and Ahiipaapish
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-44-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Brian Webb & Pakesso Mukash
- Illustrated By
Biran Webb
- Photo Credits
- Modified
2016-11-29 16:05:45
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She talks about the time she killed a moose and what she did in butchering it. She talks about snowshoes too and about the weather e.g. what it means when there is a ring around the sun etc.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-16-9
- Year Published
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- Editor
ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ, ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ, ᐋᓈ ᐹᓚᓯᒥᕪ, ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ
- Photo Credits
ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ, ᑕᐦᑯᐦᒡ ᒪᓯᓈᐱᔅᑲᐦᐄᑲᓐ: ᓖᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- Modified
2016-10-17 13:36:46
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ᓈᐯᔥ ᐁ ᐧᐄᒋᐦᐋᑦ ᐅᑖᐧᐄᐦ ᐁ ᑯᔅᒉᔨᒡ ᐁ ᐱᐳᓃᒡ᙮
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-213-5
out of stock
ᐁ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᓈᓄᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ ᐁᑎ ᐃᐦᑎᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᐁ ᑲᓇᐧᐋᐸᒫᑲᓄᐧᐃᑦ ᐊᓐ ᓈᐯᔥ ᓵᒻ ᐁᑎ ᐃᐦᑎᒄ᙮
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-253-4
out of stock
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- Illustrated By
ᐧᒫᕐᓖ ᔅᑐᐧᐊᕐᑦ
- Modified
2014-10-24 11:28:26
- Dialect
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ᓂᒥᔮᐤ ᐆ ᒥᒄ ᐆ ᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᒥᒄ ᒫᒃ ᐅᐦᐄ ᐋᔨᔪᑯᓐᐦ ᑎᔮᐧᐹᔮᔨᐦᑎᐦᒡ ᐅᔮᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᔑᐦᐧᑖᐧᐃᓐᐦ ᑳ ᒌ ᐋᐱᒋᐦᑖᒡ ᐄᔨᔫᒡ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐊᓐ ᑳ ᐧᐄ ᐧᐋᐱᐦᑎᔨᐧᐋᑦ ᒥᓯᓈᐱᔅᑭᐦᐄᑭᓐᐦ ᐋᐱᑎᒋᐦᑖᐤ ᑳ ᒋᔅᒋᓂᐧᐋᐱᐦᑎᔮᑦ ᐊᐧᐋᔫᐦ ᐊᓂᔮᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᔑᐦᐧᑖᐧᐃᓐᐦ᙮ "ᒋᔥᑖᔨᐦᑎᒧᐧᐃᓐ" ᓈᐅᐧᐃᔨᒡ ᒌ ᐃᔑ ᓅᑯᐦᑖᐦ ᐊᓂᔮᐦ ᒥᓯᓈᐱᔅᑭᐦᐄᑭᓐᐦ ᐋ ᒋᔅᒋᓂᐧᐋᐦᐱᐦᑏᐧᐋᑦ ᒌ ᐋᔥᒄ ᒫᐧᑳᒡ ᐋᐱᑎᓐᐦ᙮ ᓃᔥᑎᓄᐧᐋᐤᐦ ᒫᒃ ᐊᓂᐦᐄ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᔑᐦᐧᑖᐧᐃᓐᐦ᙮
Age 6+ISBN: 1-55036-612-2
out of stock
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ᕈᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ
- Photo Credits
ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ, ᒫᐃᑭᓪ ᒫᔮᐴ ᑲᔦᐦ ᓛᓯᓗ ᐸᓛᓂᑭᔅ
- Modified
2014-10-24 11:25:09
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ᓂᔥᑎᓐᐦ ᐆᑦᐦ ᐋᑎᔫᐦᑳᓐᐦ ᒍᑉ ᑳᐧᐋᐱᑦ ᐁ ᒌ ᐋᑎᔫᐦᒉᑦ᙮
1᙮ ᒋᔖᔮᒄ ᑳ ᐅᑎᓈᑦ ᐊᐧᐋᔑᔥᐦ
2᙮ ᐧᐋᐳᔥ ᑭᔮᐦ ᒫᒋᔥᑯᒋᔥ
3᙮ ᒌᐅᔑᐧᐋᔑᔥ
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-49-3
- Year Published
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ᐱᕌᔨᓐ ᐧᐁᑉ, ᐹᑳᓲ ᒧᑳᔥ
- Illustrated By
ᐱᕌᔨᓐ ᐧᐁᑉ
- Photo Credits
vancanjay, www.sxc.hu
- Modified
2014-09-12 09:18:57
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Age 12+
ISBN: 1-897296-45-5
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