- Classic Munsch
- Cree Programs
- Cree Way
- Elder's Worksop
- Inuit Broad. Corp.
- ᐧᐄ ᐁᒌ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐋᒃ ᐊᐧᐁᓐ
- ᐧᐋᐧᐃᔦᔮᐤ
- ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓲᐧᑖᐤ ᐁ ᐄᔨᔫᔥᑌᔨᒡ
- ᓀᒪᔅᑳᐦᒡ ᑳ ᐅᔥᑖᑳᓅᐧᑳᐤᐦ
- ᐊᓂᑌᐦ ᐧᐁᐦᒌᑦ ᐊᐧᐁᓐ
- ᐊᔅᒌ ᐁ ᐋᔨᒨᑖᑲᓅᐦᒡ
- ᐊᔅᒌ ᐁ ᓂᑑᒋᔅᒉᔨᐦᑖᑲᓅᐦᒡ
- ᐊᔨᒥᐦᐁᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐯᒋ ᐧᐁᔅᑲᒡ
- ᐱᒪᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ
- ᒫᒫᐦᑖᐅᐄᔨᐦᑐᐧᐃᓐ ᑲᔦ ᐁ ᒋᔅᑐᐦᒑᓅᐦᒡ
- Cree values
- SC[Justice]
- ᐁ ᐃᐦᑎᓈᓅᐦᒡ
- ᐁ ᐃᑌᔨᐦᑖᑯᐦᒡ ᒌᔑᒄ
- ᐁ ᐃᑎᔅᑳᓀᓯᓈᓅᒡ
- ᐁ ᐊᑎᐦᑌᐅᓈᑯᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ
- ᐁ ᐧᑫᔅᑳᔮᒡ
- ᐁ ᐱᐳᐦᒡ
- ᐁ ᐲᐦᒉᒪᑲᐦᒡ
- ᐁ ᐳᓯᓈᓅᒡ ᒉᐧᑳᓐ
- ᐁ ᑕᐧᑳᑎᐦᒡ
- ᐁ ᑰᐦᑲᑖᓅᐦᒡ
- ᐁ ᑲᔅᒋᐧᑳᓲᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐁ ᒋᒋᔅᑳᑲᓅᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᒉᐧᑳᔫᐦ
- ᐁ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑲᓅᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᒉᐧᑳᔫᐦ
- ᐁ ᓂᑑᐦᐆᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐁ ᓃᐱᐦᒡ
- ᐁ ᓃᔓᑳᐳᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᐁ ᓰᑯᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᒥᔫᔅᑲᒥᐦᒡ
- ᐃᑕᐸᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐃᓯᓂᐦᑳᓱᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐃᔅᐧᑫᐤ
- ᐃᔥᐧᑫᔥ
- ᐅᑖᐦᒡ, ᐧᐁᔅᑲᒡ
- ᐊᐦᐄᐲ
- ᐊᐧᐁᓰᓴᒡ, ᐅᐦᑳᓂᒡ
- ᐊᑎᔫᐦᑳᓐᐦ
- ᐊᑑᔑᒡ
- ᐊᒋᔅᑖᓲᓐᐦ
- ᐊᓂᑌᐦ ᐧᐃᔦᔅ
- ᐯᔭᑯᑌᓅ
- ᐱᔅᒉᓱᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐲᓯᒧᒡ
- ᑎᐯᔨᒋᐦᒉᓲ ᐋᐸᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐ
- ᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓂᔥ
- ᑳ ᒋᔑᐸᔨᐧᑳᐤᐦ, ᐁ ᐋᔓᒋᔅᒉᔨᐦᑖᑲᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᒉᐧᑳᓐ
- ᑳ ᒪᒫᐦᑖᐅᐧᐋᔅᑯᔨᐧᐁᒪᑲᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ
- ᑳ ᓇᓀᐦᑳᑕᐦᑲᑖᓅᐦᒡ
- ᒥᔥᑎᑯᒡ
- ᒦᒋᒻ
- ᒦᓂᔕᒡ
- ᒨᓱᔮᓐ
- ᒨᔥ ᑳ ᐯᒋ ᐃᐦᑎᓈᓅᐦᒡ
- ᒫᒥᔅᑳᒡ ᒉᐧᑳᓐ
- ᓂᐦᑖᐅᒋᐦᒋᑲᓐᐦ, ᓃᐲᔥ
- ᓂᑐᐦᑯᔨᓐᐦ
- ᓂᑲᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᓃᑳᓐ ᐧᐄᐦᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᓃᔥᑕᒻ ᐁ ᒋᑲᓵᒪᓄᐧᐃᒡ
- ᓈᐯᐤ
- ᓈᐯᔥ
- Cree Literacy Students
- John Murdoch
- Kathleen Kitty & Jacqueline Lameboy
- Louise Cheechoo
- Mary B. Georgekish
- Mary Sandy
- Nellie Cox
- Pearl Weistche
- Stephanie Meskino
- Teachers and Students
- Waskaganish Students
- ᐁᐃᑎᕇᔨᓐ ᒌᐦᓲ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᐦᔫᐧᐹᐃ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᑰᐱᕐ
- ᐁᒥᓖ ᓵᒻ
- ᐁᒫ ᔐᐦᑳᐯᐤ
- ᐁᓓᓂᕐ ᒥᒃᓛᐅᑦ, ᒉᐃᓐ ᒧᕐ
- ᐁᓕᓇᕐ ᒪᑲᓚᐅᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᒉᐃᓐ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐁᓛ ᓃᐧᐹᔥ
- ᐁᓪᓰ ᑕᕝ
- ᐁᓪᓰ ᒋᒦ
- ᐃᓕᓯᐱᕪ (ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ) ᐧᒑᓖ
- ᐃᓛᐃᓵ ᐧᐁᑉ
- ᐄᑎᕪ ᒫᑑᔥ
- ᐄᓕᓯᐱᕪ ᐋᑦᓰᕇᔮᒃ, ᒍᓕᔮ ᐦᐃᓪ, ᑭᕃᐃᔅ ᐅᓪᑦᕕᕃᓐᑦ
- ᐄᓕᓯᕕᑦ ᐋᑦᓰᕇᔮᒃ, ᒍᓕᔮ ᐦᐃᓪ, ᑭᕃᐃᔅ ᐅᓪᑦᕕᕃᓐᑦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᑐᐧᐃᓂᔫ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐃᔨᒧᐧᐃᓂᔫ ᑳ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᒑᒡᐦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᐄᔨᐦᑐᐧᐃᓐ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᓲᐦᒡ
- ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ ᒋᓴᓰᐲᐦᒡ
- ᐄᕚ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᐧᐋᐧᐃᒋᐦᐄᐧᐋᒡ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᐅᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᑭᓂᔫᐦ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᐧᐋᒡᐦ
- ᐊᓂᒌ ᑳ ᐧᐋᐧᐄᒋᐦᐄᐧᐁᐧᑖᐤ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᐅᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓂᔫ ᑳ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᐧᐋᑖᐤ
- ᐊᓂᔮ ᔅᑌᓛ ᒫᕠᔫ-ᐯᕐᔅᑭᓐ
- ᐋᓃ (ᓃᐧᐹᔥ) ᐅᑎᕌᐃᔅ
- ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ, ᕝᕌᓐᓯᔅ ᒫᕐᒃ, ᕝᕌᓐᓯᔅ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- ᐋᓃ ᒌᐦᒎ
- ᐋᓃ ᓂᓂᔫᒃ, ᐊᓅᓯᒃ ᐃᒌᑎᓯᔮᒃ ᑲᔦ ᒫᐃᑲᓪ ᐋᔨᐲᓖ
- ᐋᓃ ᓂᓂᔫᒄ, ᐃᓅᓯᒃ ᐃᒌᑎᓯᔮᒃ, ᒫᐃᑭᓪ ᐋᔨᐲᓖ
- ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ
- ᐋᓕᔅ ᕕᑦᑳ
- ᐋᓪᐱᕐᑦ ᑖᒧᑎᒄ
- ᐦᐋᓈ (ᒉᐃᑭᑉ) ᒨᓯᔅ
- ᐦᐋᕆᔨᑦ ᐄᑖᑉ ᑯᓐ-ᑲᒻ
- ᐦᐋᕇ ᑕᕝ
- ᐧᐃᓕᕐᑦ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᐧᐃᓖᔭᒻ ᐧᑳᒃᔅ
- ᐧᑖᒥᔅ ᑰᓐ
- ᐧᑖᕐᕢ ᐧᐹᓪᓯᓐ
- ᐧᒑᓃ ᔐᐦᑳᐯᐤ
- ᐧᒑᓃ ᔑᑳᐱᔫ
- ᐧᒑᓐ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᐧᒑᓯᕕᓐ ᒥᔮᓂᔥᑲᒻ ᑰᓐ
- ᐧᒑᕐᒡ ᕚᔨᕐᒥᓐ
- ᐧᕌᐱᕐᑦ ᒪᓂᐦᒡ
- ᐯᓰ ᐱᓛᑭᓀᑦ
- ᐱᕃᓐᑖ ᐋᒋᓈᔮ
- ᐱᕌᔨᓐ ᐧᐁᑉ, ᐸᑳᓲ ᒧᑳᔥ
- ᐲᑎᕆᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᐲᑎᕆᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᐸᒥᓛ ᒪᑲᓚᐅᑦ
- ᐹᕐᐸᕌ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ ᑲᔦᐦ ᕙᐧᓛᕇ ᑳᑕᐯᐃᑕᒃ
- ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᑌᐃᕕᑦ ᓴᓐᑏ, ᒫᕐᑲᕆᑦ ᐯᕐᔅᑲᓐ
- ᑖᓂᔦᓪ ᒨᓱᔅ
- ᑭᕆᓰ ᓵᒥᔪᓪᓯᓐ
- ᑭᕇ ᐧᐁᐃ
- ᑭᕇ ᐧᐁᐃ
- ᑭᕐᑏ ᑭᔦᐦ ᐧᒑᓐ ᒥᕐᐧᑖᒃ
- ᑲᕐᑏ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐧᒑᓐ ᒥᕐᐧᑖᒃ
- ᑳ ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᐧᑖᐤ ᐧᐄᒥᓂᒌᐦᒡ
- ᑳ ᐄᔨᔫ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᓱᐧᑖᐤ ᐧᐄᒥᓂᒌᐦᒡ 2002
- ᑳᑎ ᐅᒃᐱᒃ
- ᑳᕢ ᐅᒃᐱᒃ
- ᒉᐃᒥᔅ ᒎᓈ
- ᒉᐃᓐ ᔅᓄᐧᐹᐃ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ
- ᒋᒦ ᐊᐃᓯᐧᕌᕝ
- ᒍᐊᓐ ᐸᔕᑭᒥᔥᑰᒻ-ᐱᐸᐱᓄ
- ᒍᓯᕖᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ
- ᒍᓯᕖᓐ ᒥᔮᓂᔅᑭᒻ-ᑰᓐ
- ᒎᓯᕕᓐ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒑᕐᓕᔅ ᒌᐦᓲ
- ᒑᕐᓕᔅ ᒌᐦᓲ, ᐯᓰ ᐱᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒑᕐᓖ ᐧᐹᐅᓯᒻ
- ᒣᕆᔮᓐ ᐹᔖᑭᒥᔥᑭᒻ
- ᒣᕇ ᓃᐧᐹᔥ ᓱᐧᐋᓘ
- ᒣᕇᐊᓐ ᐹᔖᑲᒥᔥᑲᒻ
- ᒥᓃ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᒥᓃ ᔖᑦ ᐱᐦᐋᕐᒃᔅ
- ᒪᓚᐃᔭ ᐊᐅᑦᓚᕐᑭᐊᕐᒃ
- ᒪᕇ ᐧᐋᓯᓖ, ᑭᕆᔅᑏᓈ ᑭᕐᓐ, ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᐲᕕᕐ
- ᒫᓂᑐᐹ ᒋᔅᑯᑕᒫᒉᐧᐃᓐ
- ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᐲᕕᕐ
- ᒫᕐᑭᕆᑦ ᒥᔥᑖᒌᔑᒄ
- ᒫᕐᒃ ᐸᓛᑲᓀᑦ
- ᒫᕐᕧ ᑎᒃᓯᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᒫᕐᕧ ᑎᒃᓯᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᒫᕠᔫ ᕌᑦ
- ᓀᓖ ᐹᒐᐦᐋᓅ
- ᓂᔮ ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ
- ᓕᓐᑖ ᐧᒫᕐ
- ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- ᓕᓖ ᑲᓪ ᓴᑎᕐᓕᓐ
- ᓘᐄᔅ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ, ᑲᕇ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ, ᑫᕈᓛᐃᓐ ᐦᐆᕕᕐ
- ᓘᒃ ᒥᑭᐦᓛᐅᑦ
- ᓘᒃ ᒪᑲᓛᐅᑦ
- ᓯᑎᓃ ᓘᓐ
- ᓯᒦᔭᓐ ᐊᐧᐋᔑᔥ
- ᓲᓰ ᒪᑑᔥ
- ᓵᒥᔪᓪ ᐯᕐᔅᑲᓐ
- ᓵᓐᑏ ᒫᔅᑏ
- ᔖᕐᓕᑦ ᐲᐹᐱᓅ
- ᕆᑮ ᐧᒑᓖ
- ᕈᔅ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- ᕕᐧᓛᕇ ᐧᐄᔮᐱᓂᑳᐴ ᒣᔮᐴ
- ᕕᓕᑉ ᑰᑦᐧᐃᓐ
- ᕝᐧᓛᕇ ᒫᕐᒃ-ᔅᑐᐧᐊᕐᑦ
Page 2 of 9, showing 20 records out of 163 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Old Eastmain.png)
This book is about how Eastmain cane to be and it was one of the older Cree settlements.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-897296-25-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Photo Credits
Eastmain Band Council
- Created
2015-10-08 13:40:18
- Modified
2021-11-05 14:52:57
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Old Wedding Customs.png)
The book is about how marriages were formed by the Cree people of long ago and present.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-897296-54-7
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Nellie Cox, Linda Visitor
- Created
2021-10-07 11:30:29
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:45:33
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Spring Hunting.png)
This book is about traditional teachings during the spring goose hunt.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-017-9
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor and Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 10:59:23
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:20:32
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings
- Themes
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/The Porcupine Story.png)
This books shows the demonstrations and the steps on how to clean cut and cook a porcupine.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-927937-14-3
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor
- Created
2021-10-12 11:11:28
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:18:32
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Traditional Activities.png)
This book is about traditional teachings from Cree Elders.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-018-6
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Nellie Cox, Linda Visitor
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor and Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 11:21:04
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:15:46
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Traditional Handiwork.png)
This book is about traditional teachings from Cree elders.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-927937-019-3
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Nellie Cox, Linda Visitor
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor and Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 11:42:14
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:14:08
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Teachings
- Themes
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Trees and their Uses.png)
This book is about the different types of trees and their uses by the Cree people
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-020-9
- Year Published
- Edition
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor and Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 13:12:38
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:11:28
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Uses of Trees.png)
This book is about how the Cree people use trees and what purpose.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-038-4
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Nellie Cox, Linda Visitor
- Created
2021-10-12 13:16:22
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:09:46
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics
This book is about weather predictions.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-927937-93-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Photo Credits
Linda Visitor and Public Domain
- Created
2021-10-12 13:55:09
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:04:08
- Dialect
- Also Available In
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
- Topics
![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/Whapmaagoostui Stories.png)
This book is about stories of Whapmagoostui elders written by Cree Literacy students.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-032-2
- Edition
- Editor
Linda Visitor, Nellie Cox
- Photo Credits
Agnes Kawapit (cover page)
- Created
2021-10-12 14:37:18
- Modified
2021-11-03 15:02:07
- Dialect
- Type
- Sources
- Themes
Mary's story is about how one should take safety measures while traveling on the ice especially during the fall and spring seasons. She strongly thinks this information should be passed on to the next generation. She then went on to talk about her own tragedy when her son drowned.
Age 12+ISBN: 1-897296-18-5
2 ᐋᓃ ᐧᐄᔅᑭᒑᓐ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ:
1. ᑳ ᒫᐦᐄᐱᒋᔮᐦᒡ ᐱᔑᑭᒦᔥᑎᒄ
2. ᑳ ᓅᐦᑖᐱᔨᔮᐦᒡ ᔔᑳᐤ
Age 12+ISBN: 1-55036-660-2
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ, ᓘᓰ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ
- Illustrated By
ᐧᐃᓕᕐᑦ ᐧᒫᕐ
- Modified
2021-10-04 15:44:56
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ᐃᔥᐧᑫᔥ, ᐊᓂᑌᐦ ᐧᐃᔦᔅ , ᐁ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑲᓅᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᒉᐧᑳᔫᐦ, ᐅᑖᐦᒡ, ᐧᐁᔅᑲᒡ, ᒦᒋᒻ, ᐁ ᒋᒋᔅᑳᑲᓅᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᒉᐧᑳᔫᐦ, ᐁ ᓰᑯᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᒥᔫᔅᑲᒥᐦᒡ, ᐯᔭᑯᑌᓅ
ᐆ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓐ ᐁ ᐊᔨᐦᑌᒡ ᐁ ᓃᔓᑳᐳᐧᐃᓈᓄᐧᐃᒡ ᐊᓂᑌᐦ ᐧᐁᔥᑲᒡ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐊᓅᐦᒌᔥ᙮
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-011-8
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ, ᐁᒥᓖ ᑯᐦᐸᕐ, ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ, ᓘᐧᐄᔅ ᒌᒎ
- Photo Credits
ᐁᒥᓖ ᓵᒻ
- Created
2019-04-08 11:39:01
- Modified
2021-09-27 15:48:43
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ᐁᐦ ᐊᑕ ᐃᐦᑎᓈᓄᐧᐃᐦᒡ ᐁ ᓅᐦᒋᐱᔦᓱᐧᐋᓄᐧᐃᐦᒡ
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-009-4
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ ᓘᐧᐄᔅ ᒌᒎ
- Created
2020-03-31 16:30:53
- Modified
2021-09-27 15:40:21
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ᑳ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑲᓄᐧᐃᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᒉᐧᑳᔫᐦ ᐧᐁᔥᑲᒡ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐊᓄᐦᒌᔥ ᐁ ᐋᐸᒋᐦᑖᐧᑖᐤ ᒋᑕᐄᔨᓂᔨᒥᓅᒡ᙮
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-006-3
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ, ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ, ᓘᐧᐄᔅ ᒌᒎ
- Photo Credits
ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- Created
2020-03-31 15:58:24
- Modified
2021-09-27 15:37:38
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ᐧᐁᔥᑲᒡ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐊᓄᐦᒌᔥ ᑳ ᒌᐦ ᐃᐦᑎᐧᑖᐤ ᒋᑕᐄᔨᓂᔨᒥᓅᒡ᙮
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-77376-005-6
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᐋᓈ ᐸᓛᑲᓯᒥᕪ, ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ, ᓘᐧᐄᔅ ᒌᒎ
- Illustrated By
- Photo Credits
ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- Created
2020-03-31 15:45:34
- Modified
2021-09-27 15:27:18
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ᐁ ᐱᐳᐦᒡ, ᒨᔥ ᑳ ᐯᒋ ᐃᐦᑎᓈᓅᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᐧᑫᔅᑳᔮᒡ, ᐁ ᓰᑯᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᒥᔫᔅᑲᒥᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᓃᐱᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᑕᐧᑳᑎᐦᒡ
ᐆ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᑭᓐ ᐊᓂᔮᐦ ᑳ ᒌᐦ ᐃᔨᔑᑭᒥᐧᑳᒡ ᐄᔨᔨᐅᒡ ᐧᐋᔥᑭᒡ ᑭᔮᐦ ᐊᓅᐦᒡ ᐋᔥᒄ ᐃᔮᐱᒋᐦᑖᒡ ᐋᐅᒄ ᐃᔮᔨᐧᒫᐦᐃᐧᐋᒡ᙮
Age 12+ISBN: 1-894843-79-7
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᓘᓰ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ, ᐁᓪᓰ ᑕᕝ, ᓕᓐᑖ ᕕᓯᑎᕐ
- Illustrated By
ᐧᐃᓕᔨᒻ ᐧᑳᑭᔅ
- Modified
2021-03-04 09:15:54
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![](https://www.eastcree.org/img/pubcat/The girl who was found.png)
This is a story about a girl who dreams about a beautiful house and her parents die and she ends up fining her mate and lives in a beautiful house just like her dream told her.
Age 12+ISBN: 978-1-927039-50-2
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
Rita Jonah - Macleod
- Illustrated By
Willard Moar
- Created
2015-03-18 15:53:08
- Modified
2020-11-11 16:41:53
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ᓂᔥᑐ ᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ ᒫᕠᔫ ᕌᑦ ᐁ ᒌ ᑎᐹᒋᒨᑦ ᐧᐁᔥᑲᒡ ᐊᓂᑌᐦ ᑳ ᐯᒋ ᐃᔅᐸᔨᒡ᙮
Age 12+ISBN: 1-894843-15-0
- Year Published
- Edition
- Editor
ᕉᕪ ᐧᓵᓪᑦ, ᑌᐃᓰ ᐧᒫᕐ, ᐹᑦᕇᔖ ᑖᐃᒥᓐ
- Illustrated By
ᕉᐲ ᒥᓂᕆᒃ
- Modified
2020-11-11 14:49:45
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ᓈᐯᔥ, ᐊᐧᐁᓰᓴᒡ, ᐅᐦᑳᓂᒡ, ᒨᔥ ᑳ ᐯᒋ ᐃᐦᑎᓈᓅᐦᒡ, ᐁ ᒌ ᐅᔑᐦᑖᑲᓅᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᒉᐧᑳᔫᐦ, ᐅᑖᐦᒡ, ᐧᐁᔅᑲᒡ, ᒦᒋᒻ, ᐁ ᐧᑫᔅᑳᔮᒡ, ᐯᔭᑯᑌᓅ
ᐆᔫᐦ ᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ ᒐᐦᑳᐯᔥ ᑲᔦᐦ ᑯᑕᒃᐦ ᐋᑎᔫᐦᑳᓐᐦ:
1᙮ ᒐᐦᑳᐯᔥ
2᙮ ᒥᔑᑳᒄ
3᙮ ᐧᐋᐳᔥ ᑲᔦᐦ ᒫᒋᔅᑰᒋᔥ
4᙮ ᐧᐋᐱᔥᑕᓂᔅᐧᑫᐤ ᑲᔦᐦ ᐱᔔ
5᙮ ᐊᐧᐋᔥ ᑳ ᐅᑎᓂᑯᑦ ᒋᔐᔮᒄᐦ
Age 12+ISBN: 1-894843-30-4